A Few Myths about Startups Busted

If you have just switched from a fairly well-known firm to a startup (quite simply because startups are a fad today), you would definitely want this professional transition to be backed by thorough insights. If not, this job switch will be riddled with a plethora of misconceptions that startup careers are mostly associated with.

And, what exactly are these myths? We will unravel in the course of this post!

Your life is a breeze at a startup!

Once you join a startup your life will be a virtual breeze. Try to find a life at first! Those who are making the switch mostly think that their life will be no longer about those excruciatingly long hours at the job. You’re absolutely missing the point when you are not acknowledging the fact that startups do have a lot to achieve within a very little time. Working weekends, late nights, odd calls for meetings etc are as regular a part of high-performing startups as they are of MNCs. If you don’t think you are ready to deal with this routine then you should look for startups that are ready to take it slow – then again your choices become way more limited than what you could imagine in this case.

You can be nothing less than a geek if you are a part of a startup

You are necessarily not required to be a tech genius in order to make the cut. It is important to be technically aware if you want to be a part of the startup culture. However, that necessarily doesn’t really mean that you have to be a super coder in a bid to aim for career advancement.

Talk about a few of the important startup responsibilities like sales, marketing and management – they are not really dependent on technical prowess. However, if you are still prudent enough to hone your basics HTML/CSS coding then you can expect to shore up your position in a startup.

They earn quick money

Don’t think that startups are very quick to raise money. Not every startup raises as quick money as you think them to. As per report, only around 3% of the startups are actually successful in raising the venture capital. It has been very wisely pointed out that your decision to join a startup should be driven by your willingness to bring something to the table rather than just enjoying the benefits that these companies are generally associated with.


Life in a startup is essentially glamorous. This of course is essentially a fallacy. Thanks to the innumerable success stories churned in the Silicon Valley it is now believed that life in a startup is glamorous. However let us tell you that startups are nothing but small businesses. The latter is not used to brand new entrepreneurial ventures simply because it doesn’t sound as cool as what the former sounds.

Wade Foster, the CEO of Zapier (task automation startup) has rightly pointed out by saying running startups is not about attending parties or meeting people but about selling products and services.

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