Is Technology Hurting Or Helping Students?

In these days, everyone is using the Smartphone (connected with the internet) to find out traveling directions in order to reach out the desired destination and also using laptops for writing and sending e-mails to communicate of use personal and professional things. It means everything is surrounded by technology to get things accomplished smartly but what about future of a student who is using a calculator for solving a math problem instead of using his or her own multiplication and other math skills? What about them who are not writing their class notes by hands but using tech gadgets for this purpose? No doubt, students of the 21st century are benefitting from technology in achieving their academic goals but excessive use of the technology is also making the students indolent in the classroom. “Is technology hurting or helping students” is the most commonly discussed topic among educators and learners. Below we are going to depict common effects of technology on education that can help you to agree on whether technology helping or hurting students of the advanced era.
Positive effects of technology on education
Independent learning comes on the top of the list where advantages of technology for education are mentioned. Because of technology and its latest inventions, students can learn quickly even without getting the assistance of educators and parents via surfing the web.
Unlike a heavy bag full of text books and notes, now students can have their course books in the tablet or Smartphone in form of e-books.
Thankfully, technological advancement can help parents to cut the cost of home tutor or educator as students can learn their lessons online by using their computers or other tech gadgets.
Not only students but teachers and academic institutes are also getting advantages from technology as the majority of high schools is equipped with digital projectors and giant LEDs that lend hand teachers to deliver the lesson smoothly and conveniently than ever.
Technology enables the students to learn new things and skills that can give them a bright and successful career in future.
Use of different tech gadgets like projector and tablets in the classroom can cause the elimination of different learning materials like text books, notepads, pen and much more.
Negative effects of technology on education
Distraction is the biggest negative effect that technology can have on education as students may use the technology in wrong way instead of quick learning.
All you can get from internet and technology but what about the ignorant mind? What you will do if internet connection or calculator is not working but you have to solve a difficult math problem? Use of technology in the classroom is continuously making students vulnerable to probable snares.
A big part of the population cannot afford expensive tech gadgets for their kids due to high price tags. Purchase of highly expensive tech gadgets could be thorny for them due to low budgets.
Use of technology in the classroom can lead the student to a lower level of social interaction which is not a good symbol for bright future. Collaboration and face to face interaction can help students boost up personal traits and goods manners that technology cannot.
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